When video games exploded on the scene decades ago, they forever changed Dr. Frank Lee’s life.
“I guess in one sense I never grew up,” Lee laughed.
Thank goodness he didn’t.
On April 19th, the 43-year-old co-creator of Drexel University’s gaming program could break a world record.
He’s hoping to create the biggest video game ever on the north side of the 29-story Cira Building as a screen to play the old Atari game Pong.
“It’s basically my love letters to the wonders of tech and looking through the eyes of a child.”
LED lights previously installed on every floor about ten feet apart will be used to make it happen.
Since February, Drexel sophomore Marc Barrowclift, senior Gaylord Holder and professor Dr. Santiago Ontanon have been part of the four man team that’s helped write the program to make the larger than life Pong game become reality.
Pong was invented in 1979. And now Dr. Lee’s super sized dream is proving that even in this era of games with better graphics the simple, classic Pong is still a winner.
“I do want to leave young and old with a sense of wonder and technology and what it’s capable of by looking at Pong 29 stories tall,” said Dr. Lee.
Not everyone will be able to play the game during Philly Tech Week which starts April 19th.
You have to be registered for the event and enter a lottery to play on the 19th or 24th.