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The Smartest People in Philadelphia

Gaming Guru
Lee, 43, co-founder and co-director of Drexel’s renowned video-game design program,* plans to grow Philly into the Silicon Valley of ga­ming—not just by training future designers (“I tell freshmen that ga­ming is an ideal entry point into entrepreneurship”), but also by working with state legislators to give economic incentives to gaming companies. “It’s a billion-dollar industry,” he says. “I’m very keen on creating a video-game company within Drexel, affiliated with the design program. Philly is a great place for this kind of ­initiative. Drexel has a gaming program. Penn has an excellent co­mputer-design program. Most communities don’t have this foundation to build from. We need to harness and grow it, and we’re in the process of doing that now.” 

*In July, Lee’s design students won first place at Microsoft’s prestigious Imagine Cup.